Alchemical Manuscripts of Manly P. Hall
Saturday, January 23rd, 2010 at
10:40 AM
Manly P. Hall hand wrote these volumes. You will likely need to download them (and be proficient in French) to be able to read them, but many symbols will be readily recognized:
Manly Palmer Hall collection of alchemical manuscripts, 1500-1825 (Volume Box 1)
Manly Palmer Hall collection of alchemical manuscripts, 1500-1825 (Volume box 3)
Manly Palmer Hall collection of alchemical manuscripts, 1500-1825 (Volume Box 5)
Manly Palmer Hall collection of alchemical manuscripts, 1500-1825 (Volume box 6)
Manly Palmer Hall collection of alchemical manuscripts, 1500-1825 (Volume box 7)
(Rosicrutian Character Code Keys)
Manly Palmer Hall collection of alchemical manuscripts, 1500-1825 (Volume Box 10)
Manly Palmer Hall collection of alchemical manuscripts, 1500-1825 (Volume Box 11)
These are open source books that you can download or read online. Just click on a page to turn it backward or forward. Volume collections up to but not all inclusive of Volume Box 40 are available as well: Click Here