913 San Diego Masonic District Archives

Grand Masters Reception Luau

June 26th 0600pm
Silver Gate Three stars Lodge 296
$25 or $30 at the door

Viral Marketing Tips To Improve Your Online Business

If you want to get a crazy amount of very targeted niche traffic, but you don't have the time or money you think you need, viral marketing is your best bet. There are a lot of ways to use viral marketing to your advantage but figuring out the best method for yourself is very important. What works well for you might not work for someone else. This, of course, is only possible if you actually do something and figure out where you want to go. The following three viral marketing tips will help you get trackable results. For more resources visit the review mass money makers website.

A fast way to get exposure is by using Facebook fan pages. Fan pages have the potential to allow you to become known in a niche market very quickly because the word about your business will spread across the network. Facebook works exceptionally well with larger markets because you will be able to target a larger portion of its 500 million users.

What' so cool about Facebook traffic is that you have an opportunity to build a relationship with your fans and they will be warmed up to you before they even visit your site. Your Facebook fan page should be treated just as well as your subscriber's list; your objective is to build rapport an trust with them so they will take your advice and recommendations. If you approach this the right way you will nothing but pleased at your results. A great way to launch your viral marketing campaign is with social media. Using your social network will help you make the most of your campaign. A viral marketing campaign that does not include social media is not likely to succeed. This is why viral marketing is much easier than it used to be when you had to e-mail people to spread news. But in order to make this work, first create a strong network where you can pass your message throughout the network. You can help your efforts succeed by reposting your links on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. For more information visit the click n bank site.

Make sure you increase the visibility of your campaign and create as much of a buzz as you can. Once you're done creating it, the next step is to sustain it. Your main goal is to get other people to talk about you and your business. Your objective here is to get in the forefront of their mind and stay there. To truly create a viral buzz you need to think creatively. People want to see something that is new, shocking or surprising. You might think about making a controversial post about what is happening right now and then post it on as many social media sites as possible. This will start a buzz and encourage people to talk about you. Finally, there isn't anything all that shocking about viral marketing. It is basically a way to get people in your target market to pay attention to you without your having to spend a ton of time putting yourself out there. So if you want to really make it big in your online business by virally marketing it, then now's the time. Make sure that your actions are regular and persistent and you should make lots of money. For more tips go to the www.johnkeeble.net site

How To Turn Your Bar Business Prospects Into Spending Clients

One of the leading solutions to Bar business success is altering a better amount of lookers and shoppers into paying clients.  If your business is converting only 30% of lookers into patrons, this signifies the other 70% lessens the power of your company’s sum total effort.  Any possible client which doesn’t act in response to your business’s mailings, answer your business’s promotion and purchase, or accept your business’s telephonic offer is wasting your business resources in broadcast costs, materials, time, phone call expenses, and much, much more.

For these reasons, it is imperative that you aim for the highest conversion rate in your Bar business that you can.  In case you have never stopped to notice your business’s conversion amounts before, commence straightaway. Listed are 3 good strategies to boost your conversion percentages.

The Guarantee

By virtue of what can your Bar business PROVE that the things you are proffering definitely is a terrific offer? 1 of the very finest procedures would be to extend an enduring guarantee. This method is key to overcoming client resistance, and overcomes the most prominent worry about deciding whether or not to buy. Failing to advertise a money-back guarantee will dampen possible sales by 60 – 70 – even up to 100 percent. Try your Bar business’s advertisement with and also without a strikingly shown assurance, and then your business will mark the change.

Easy Pointers and Action Points:

1.      Don’t worry about giving back money. your business is selling quality and following through on your advertisement, your Bar business’s sales definitely will significantly outweigh the few returns. 2.      Your business’s possible patrons have to definitely observe and grasp the meaning of your business’s guarantee. 3.      Incorporate your business’s guarantee in every single one of your business’s advertisements, all of your circulars, and even on your Bar business card. 4.      Accentuate that your Bar business’s clients don’t stand to lose anything, and are not taking any chances.


Endorsements from impartial individuals are one more phase of “prove it” retailing – you get other people to demonstrate what you advertise your products and or services is the very top, or, alternately, a outstanding bargain, by affirming the truth of it. Any of your business’s sales materials and almost all of your broadcasts must incorporate at least one recommendation. Added details on how to find attestations for your Bar business are encountered at becomeabarowner.com

Fast Suggestions and Activities:

1.      A mailing, radio show or commercial isn’t exhaustive, or all it could be, if it does not include a endorsement. 2.      Ask your Bar business’s patrons if they will provide you with references, then get their written to use their opinions in your business’s marketing brochures, and also keep a record of them. 3.      You will  be stunned with how incredibly inclined a lot of clients are to supply a good endorsement. 4.      A lot are pleased that you value their thoughts. 5.      Unsatisfactory recommendations are a chance to better your business.

Mission Statement – Vision Statement

A short  declaration regarding what your Bar business is about, what specifically you specialize in, what your business’s focuses are, ways you like to treat your clients, and so on. Getting it just right demands quite a bit effort, awareness and a core understanding of precisely what you are  focused on. This concentrates you and your business’s assistants, and hones goals. Write it with your agents – value them by finding  their advice. Position the finalized announcement conspicuously somewhere that all your representatives will be able to spot it and remember your business’s goals – let your clients see it, also. Put it on the bottom of your business’s office supplies, for instance.

Speedy Pointers and Things to do:

1.      A good deal of bosses insist that each and every employee come up with a personal vision comment regarding ways they intend to perform their respective functions, exciting them to work towards their own enhancement. 2.      Make room for your business’s comment in your advertisements or mailing if it is succint enough. 3.      Struggle to keep it fresh. Look again at your Bar business’s announcement twice each and every year – rank how well each employee did. Edit your mission statement if necessary.

More information at www.becomeabarowner.com.

How To Turn Your Night Club Business Prospects Into Spending Clients

One of the leading solutions to Night club business success is altering a better amount of lookers and shoppers into paying clients.  If your business is converting only 30% of lookers into patrons, this signifies the other 70% lessens the power of your company’s sum total effort.  Any possible client which doesn’t act in response to your business’s mailings, answer your business’s promotion and purchase, or accept your business’s telephonic offer is wasting your business resources in broadcast costs, materials, time, phone call expenses, and much, much more.

For these reasons, it is imperative that you aim for the highest conversion rate in your Night club business that you can.  In case you have never stopped to notice your business’s conversion amounts before, commence straightaway. Listed are 3 good strategies to boost your conversion percentages.

The Guarantee

By virtue of what can your Night club business PROVE that the things you are proffering definitely is a terrific offer? 1 of the very finest procedures would be to extend an enduring guarantee. This method is key to overcoming client resistance, and overcomes the most prominent worry about deciding whether or not to buy. Failing to advertise a money-back guarantee will dampen possible sales by 60 – 70 – even up to 100 percent. Try your Night club business’s advertisement with and also without a strikingly shown assurance, and then your business will mark the change.

Easy Pointers and Action Points:

1.      Don’t worry about giving back money. your business is selling quality and following through on your advertisement, your Night club business’s sales definitely will significantly outweigh the few returns. 2.      Your business’s possible patrons have to definitely observe and grasp the meaning of your business’s guarantee. 3.      Incorporate your business’s guarantee in every single one of your business’s advertisements, all of your circulars, and even on your Night club business card. 4.      Accentuate that your Night club business’s clients don’t stand to lose anything, and are not taking any chances.


Endorsements from impartial individuals are one more phase of “prove it” retailing – you get other people to demonstrate what you advertise your products and or services is the very top, or, alternately, a outstanding bargain, by affirming the truth of it. Any of your business’s sales materials and almost all of your broadcasts must incorporate at least one recommendation. Added details on how to find attestations for your Night club business are encountered at settingupanightclubbusiness.com

Fast Suggestions and Activities:

1.      A mailing, radio show or commercial isn’t exhaustive, or all it could be, if it does not include a endorsement. 2.      Ask your Night club business’s patrons if they will provide you with references, then get their written to use their opinions in your business’s marketing brochures, and also keep a record of them. 3.      You will  be stunned with how incredibly inclined a lot of clients are to supply a good endorsement. 4.      A lot are pleased that you value their thoughts. 5.      Unsatisfactory recommendations are a chance to better your business.

Mission Statement – Vision Statement

A short  declaration regarding what your Night club business is about, what specifically you specialize in, what your business’s focuses are, ways you like to treat your clients, and so on. Getting it just right demands quite a bit effort, awareness and a core understanding of precisely what you are  focused on. This concentrates you and your business’s assistants, and hones goals. Write it with your agents – value them by finding  their advice. Position the finalized announcement conspicuously somewhere that all your representatives will be able to spot it and remember your business’s goals – let your clients see it, also. Put it on the bottom of your business’s office supplies, for instance.

Speedy Pointers and Things to do:

1.      A good deal of bosses insist that each and every employee come up with a personal vision comment regarding ways they intend to perform their respective functions, exciting them to work towards their own enhancement. 2.      Make room for your business’s comment in your advertisements or mailing if it is succint enough. 3.      Struggle to keep it fresh. Look again at your Night club business’s announcement twice each and every year – rank how well each employee did. Edit your mission statement if necessary.

More information at www.settingupanightclubbusiness.com.

How To Turn Your Karate School Business Prospects Into Spending Clients

One of the leading solutions to Karate school business success is altering a better amount of lookers and shoppers into paying clients.  If your business is converting only 30% of lookers into patrons, this signifies the other 70% lessens the power of your company’s sum total effort.  Any possible client which doesn’t act in response to your business’s mailings, answer your business’s promotion and purchase, or accept your business’s telephonic offer is wasting your business resources in broadcast costs, materials, time, phone call expenses, and much, much more.

For these reasons, it is imperative that you aim for the highest conversion rate in your Karate school business that you can.  In case you have never stopped to notice your business’s conversion amounts before, commence straightaway. Listed are 3 good strategies to boost your conversion percentages.

The Guarantee

By virtue of what can your Karate school business PROVE that the things you are proffering definitely is a terrific offer? 1 of the very finest procedures would be to extend an enduring guarantee. This method is key to overcoming client resistance, and overcomes the most prominent worry about deciding whether or not to buy. Failing to advertise a money-back guarantee will dampen possible sales by 60 – 70 – even up to 100 percent. Try your Karate school business’s advertisement with and also without a strikingly shown assurance, and then your business will mark the change.

Easy Pointers and Action Points:

1.      Don’t worry about giving back money. your business is selling quality and following through on your advertisement, your Karate school business’s sales definitely will significantly outweigh the few returns. 2.      Your business’s possible patrons have to definitely observe and grasp the meaning of your business’s guarantee. 3.      Incorporate your business’s guarantee in every single one of your business’s advertisements, all of your circulars, and even on your Karate school business card. 4.      Accentuate that your Karate school business’s clients don’t stand to lose anything, and are not taking any chances.


Endorsements from impartial individuals are one more phase of “prove it” retailing – you get other people to demonstrate what you advertise your products and or services is the very top, or, alternately, a outstanding bargain, by affirming the truth of it. Any of your business’s sales materials and almost all of your broadcasts must incorporate at least one recommendation. Added details on how to find attestations for your Karate school business are encountered at startakarateschool.com

Fast Suggestions and Activities:

1.      A mailing, radio show or commercial isn’t exhaustive, or all it could be, if it does not include a endorsement. 2.      Ask your Karate school business’s patrons if they will provide you with references, then get their written to use their opinions in your business’s marketing brochures, and also keep a record of them. 3.      You will  be stunned with how incredibly inclined a lot of clients are to supply a good endorsement. 4.      A lot are pleased that you value their thoughts. 5.      Unsatisfactory recommendations are a chance to better your business.

Mission Statement – Vision Statement

A short  declaration regarding what your Karate school business is about, what specifically you specialize in, what your business’s focuses are, ways you like to treat your clients, and so on. Getting it just right demands quite a bit effort, awareness and a core understanding of precisely what you are  focused on. This concentrates you and your business’s assistants, and hones goals. Write it with your agents – value them by finding  their advice. Position the finalized announcement conspicuously somewhere that all your representatives will be able to spot it and remember your business’s goals – let your clients see it, also. Put it on the bottom of your business’s office supplies, for instance.

Speedy Pointers and Things to do:

1.      A good deal of bosses insist that each and every employee come up with a personal vision comment regarding ways they intend to perform their respective functions, exciting them to work towards their own enhancement. 2.      Make room for your business’s comment in your advertisements or mailing if it is succint enough. 3.      Struggle to keep it fresh. Look again at your Karate school business’s announcement twice each and every year – rank how well each employee did. Edit your mission statement if necessary.

More information at www.startakarateschool.com.

Remember to Post Summer Events

Ladies and Brethren please update your summer events in the San Diego Divisional Website.

  • If you would like to begin posting events to the site fill out the optin box to the right or call the number below.
  • If your group does not have a category please do not hesitate to give me a call at 619-462-4290 to create one for you.


Steve Laurvick, Sr. Warden

SW Hackett No. 574

Seeking some assistance….

Greetings Brothers!

My name is Charles Sills.  I am a Master Mason from Heartland Lodge # 576 in El Cajon.  I am making this post because I was wondering if anyone might see it within the length of their cable-tow to have (or have information leading me towards) a position of employment in or around the San Diego County area.  I have been laid-off since Nov. 2008 and am nearing the end of my unemployment benefits.  Which I must admit; is a very stressful time for my family and I (I am married with 2 boys, ages 4 & 10).  If I do not find something suitable soon I'm going to have to look out of state....  ;-(  I do not want to take up too much space but if by chance you think you might be of greater assistance please feel free to post a reply or write me at CBSILLS@YAHOO.COM and I can supply you with my resume.  Thank you!

Fraternally,  Charles Sills, Jr.
