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Stock Diversity With A Single Invest In

No matter whether you're a seasoned investor or even a novice in the stock-trading game, there's a popular option that might suit your portfolio-offering the stability of proven performers you know, plus the growth potential of innovative companies you may possibly not have heard of yet. It also has extra rewards like low expenses and tax efficiency.

QQQ-the trade name for the NASDAQ-100 Index Tracking Stock (NASDAQ: QQQQ)-is a kind of purchase item known as an exchange traded fund (ETF) With a trading volume averaging 99.7 million shares per day, it can be the most actively traded, listed equity security inside the U.S.*

Active investors appreciate the simplicity and liquidity of buying and selling a basket of stocks in just one transaction. Long-term investors appreciate that the fund is depending on NASDAQ's 100 largest non-financial firms and diversified across sectors. The expense covers a range of industries, including personal computer hardware and software, telecommunications retail/wholesale trade, biotechnology and transportation, having a easy invest in of just one commodity.

Additionally, QQQ is eligible for 401(k) and IRA investments, creating it appealing for a long-term buy-and-hold purchase strategy. And simply because QQQ represents the collective performance of these businesses, the impact of cost fluctuations caused by a particular company is an additional reason QQQ is also appealing.

Direct Purchases

For that initial time, investors who buy the exact same dollar amount of shares at normal intervals can have direct access to an ETF such as QQQ. QQQDirect is an cost-effective on the web investing support that offers one plan purchase of QQQ per month free of any charge. It is really a fractional share, dollar-based support that enables as little as $10.00 per month to be invested with QQQDirect's AutoVest Schedule.

"NASDAQ has played a significant role in the equification of America and QQQDirect is yet an additional way we can break down barriers to share ownership," said NASDAQ Global Funds CEO John Jacobs. "By purchasing an individual share of QQQ, dollar-cost common investors will personal a portfolio of NASDAQ's industry-leading companies-including the likes of Microsoft, Starbucks and Dell."

"We believe this new assistance expands the capability of investors to make sound investment decisions," said John Markese, president of the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) "As an advocate of investor education and empowerment, AAII views the introduction of QQQDirect as a new, cost-efficient opportunity for individuals to practice the principles of sound investing."

You can find more information about stock trading programs, hot stocks to buy, and learning the stock market

Choosing Stocks From A Customer Perspective

Investing in the stock market occasionally boils down to 1 essential element, namely good options. No matter how well we do our investigation, how generally we purchase and sell, or how much we spend specialists for their ideas and advice, without picking shares that represent value, we will not succeed. Although some are great at predicting the direction from the market and timing the ups and downs, if they really don't purchase the best stocks and shares, they will nevertheless meet with difficulties when trying to reap profits.

For that reason, some from the finest paid individuals on Wall Street known primarily for their talent at picking stocks and shares. Monetary advisors give talks and write books and newsletters about how you can select shares that will outperform the marketplace, and most authorities echo the very same sentiment and agree that 1 with the greatest methods to judge a stock is through the point of view of your customer. By utilizing instincts we have previously honed as ordinary shoppers, we can often ferret out information that even the most skilled and software-savvy market watchers miss. Whilst they study analytical charts, earnings reports, and also the store exchange ticker tape, folks just like yourself actually do business with the businesses they invest in, because their experience like a consumer speaks volumes in regards to the worth of the company and its products and services.

Here would be the kinds of points to try to find as indicators of your company’s worth:

1)    How well-known is their merchandise or support? If every person you know uses it, and is satisfied with this sort of issues as cost, client support, and reliability, the company is probably well situated among the competition.
2)    Are the employees satisfied? 1 of the best ways to judge a business is by talking to workers. Numerous firms put on a great façade, but underneath the fancy marketing is plenty of discontent. But if employees like a organization – specifically if they like it enough to buy inventory in it – that’s a very excellent sign.
three)    How properly identified are they? You may possibly find a fantastic startup organization with all the trappings of achievement, but discover that it can be lesser identified. Numerous tiny or regional companies are popular within their own back yards, however the rest of the planet may possibly not yet know about them. Buying this kind of unknowns can be a excellent method to invest inside the subsequent hot stock. If the fundamentals appear excellent, sometimes being lesser identified is really a excellent point for investors acquiring in about the ground floor.
4)    If they went away from enterprise, in which would you go for equivalent items and solutions? If you can’t think of a convenient alternative, the business is most likely inside a niche industry that enjoys consumer loyalty and repeat company.

Shop all-around, and notice what you see and how every company makes you feel. Then trust your intuition. Make a list of businesses that get your attention, and then call their shareholder relations department and ask for more details. By starting your list with firms you already have a first hand encounter of, you raise the odds considerably that you simply will make smart options.

You can find more information about bullish stocks, investment stock broker, and trade penny stock

Entrepreneurs Identify New Way To Finance Dream

Statistics show that more than one particular million people in the United States begin a whole new business every year. That amount would be a lot increased if the many would-be entrepreneurs had the financing essential to obtain a business enterprise up and operating. So that you can achieve their dream of organization possession, entrepreneurs are obtaining new and progressive approaches to finance their new ventures.

In keeping with Leonard Fischer, President/CEO of BeneTrends, one particular of those new financing choices will be the use of a person's current retirement funds-a pension, profit sharing, 401(k), IRA-which will allow that human being to start the company she or he has always dreamed of with out tax penalties, penalties or mountains of financial debt.

Beneath the Employment Retirement Revenue Safety Act (ERISA), retirement funds may be transferred into usable money for business investments or operations. If a person has more than $40,000 inside a retirement account and isn't presently employed by the firm that holds these funds, she or he qualifies for this Tiny Organization Administration (SBA)-recognized financing technique to start a business.

Retirement funds can be employed for any business goal, including:

*; Purchasing a franchise or existing company

*; Start-up expenses, such as purchasing property, equipment, etc.

*; Working funds, including paying salaries, franchise fees, etc.

*; Organization expansion, such as funding additional franchises, locations, etc.

*; Equity toward SBA or other loans.

The thought of dipping into one's retirement can cause some apprehension. Through this investment strategy an individual actually has more control over his/her retirement-instead of gaining minimal growth dependent on the stock market, those savings are actually being invested in one's own business enterprise. This technique often will allow an individual to set aside much more money for retirement than ever before.

"Today's entrepreneur faces an environment of tremendous competition, complexity and opportunity, so starting a business enterprise the right way is extra important than ever," says Dr. Germain Boer, Director of Vanderbilt University's Center for Entrepreneurship. "This financing method is a good option for an individual who has accumulated funds in his/her retirement accounts."

The entire process generally takes two to four weeks to be completed, and may be done by phone, email, fax, FedEx and regular mail.

Working with an experienced employee benefits plan expert, starting a business is as simple as these four steps:

Step 1: Establish a C-corporation.

Step 2: The new corporation creates a retirement plan.

Step 3: Funds are rolled over into the corporation's new retirement plan.

Step 4: The new retirement plan purchases the stock of the corporation.

"So many people have watched their dream of owning their own enterprise go out the window due to lack of funding possibilities. We help people today achieve that dream every day using money they already have," says Fischer.

If you're ready to explore this revolutionary financing option, be sure to consult an expert to guide you through the specialized process.

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All About Being A Bulk REO Investor

The weakness of the U.S. economy has given rise to the largest epidemic of foreclosures in American history. Yet as always, this challenge has given rise to a huge new opportunity for alert real estate investors.

That opportunity is called Bulk REO Investing, and the opportunity is huge.

Let's take a moment to analyze the basics of this incredibly lucrative business.

You can't understand Bulk REO Investments without understanding the process of foreclosure.

As a borrower becomes increasingly behind in his mortgage, the lender regularly calls and writes the borrower with default warnings and threats. Following a period of time determined by the lender, formal foreclosure proceedings begin. 'Pre foreclosure' is the name given to the time between implementation of the foreclosure proceedings and the public auction.

To complete the foreclosure process, the property is auction to the public. Ownership of the property is returned to the lender if the property is not sold at auction. Such a property is then classified as an 'REO' (Real Estate Owned) by the lender.

Lenders have no interest in owning property, and thus usually opt to list their REO properties with a local real estate broker in hopes of a retail sale. But as a consequence of the weak economy, lenders are frequently selling their REO properties far below their actual value. The trade-off is that the buyer must purchase multiple REO properties in each transaction.

There is huge profit potential in these REO packages for qualified real estate investors. The most successful Bulk REO Investors will have a well-respected source of funding for their transactions. There are many sources of funding for these transasactions including: hard money and commercial financing, as well as non conventional sources such as hedge funds and private investors. Additionally, one man is becoming very well known in the field of bulk REO investing, and his name is Kenny Rushing of Rush Capital Partners, a Tampa-based hedge fund.

All About Being A Bulk REO Investor

The weakness of the U.S. economy has given rise to the largest epidemic of foreclosures in American history. Yet as always, this challenge has given rise to a huge new opportunity for alert real estate investors.

That opportunity is called Bulk REO Investing, and the opportunity is huge.

Let's take a moment to analyze the basics of this incredibly lucrative business.

You can't understand Bulk REO Investments without understanding the process of foreclosure.

As a borrower becomes increasingly behind in his mortgage, the lender regularly calls and writes the borrower with default warnings and threats. Following a period of time determined by the lender, formal foreclosure proceedings begin. 'Pre foreclosure' is the name given to the time between implementation of the foreclosure proceedings and the public auction.

To complete the foreclosure process, the property is auction to the public. Ownership of the property is returned to the lender if the property is not sold at auction. Such a property is then classified as an 'REO' (Real Estate Owned) by the lender.

Lenders have no interest in owning property, and thus usually opt to list their REO properties with a local real estate broker in hopes of a retail sale. But as a consequence of the weak economy, lenders are frequently selling their REO properties far below their actual value. The trade-off is that the buyer must purchase multiple REO properties in each transaction.

There is huge profit potential in these REO packages for qualified real estate investors. The most successful Bulk REO Investors will have a well-respected source of funding for their transactions. There are many sources of funding for these transasactions including: hard money and commercial financing, as well as non conventional sources such as hedge funds and private investors. Additionally, one man is becoming very well known in the field of bulk REO investing, and his name is Kenny Rushing of Rush Capital Partners, a Tampa-based hedge fund.

How To Fundraise Inexpensively With Rubber Bracelets

Rubber band bracelets

Aiming to raise money cheaply? Rubber wristbands, also called rubber bracelets, or "awareness wrist bands" are fashionable and cool and are a good way for folks of all ages to give money to a worthy cause and also exhibit their continuing support as well, anywhere they happen to be.

Produced from silicone , the fundraising bracelets are soft, bendable, remarkably resilient and economical also, particularly when ordered in bulk.

More than raising funds, such stylish rubber wristbands encourage and maintain awareness for those charities. They also operate like a connecting element among the individuals of any group wearing them. No doubt you've seen them a lot recently.

Awareness wristbands happen to be donned by followers of various large and common causes like cancer, AIDS, autism, and also by supporters of armed forces troops and educational organizations.

Started by noted Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong and his cancer organization, they're available in numerous colors and designs, depending upon the charitable organization you choose. Each group offers its' own specific color. Supporters of Lance Armstrong's cancer organization, for example, sport yellow wristbands for their "Livestrong bracelets". Another prevalent color is pink, which traditionally represents breast cancer groups. Quite a few alternative colors can be obtained, like rainbow along with multi-colored wrist bands.

At least one reason why rubber wrist bands might be so sought-after is because they're economical. They usually go for a couple dollars or even lower. Fundraiser organizations can buy them at low cost and have a nice return without having to gouge their followers.

There's two varieties of silicone wrist bands to choose from; embossed and imprinted. The embossed wristbands can be customized with your group's message molded within the bracelet, but the printed bracelets have the message stamped on top only. As expected, the embossed type will last a lot longer since the text won't wear off - definitely not for a very long time.

Davinci Kalani – Making A Difference In The Home And The Commnuity

Davinci Kalani has been around for over 20 years today and has been making quality baby furniture through ecommerce all this time.  They’ve always kept both the parents and baby in mind when they are planning their furniture.  Whether it’s safety, convenience or overall efficiency they’ve always asked the question of what is better for the family unit in this real key point in their lives.

What’s not known or very publicized about Davinci Kalani is the charitable contributions of the mother corporation, Million Dollar Baby.  MDB, as they’re often known by, has produced great contributions to Union Rescue Mission, Special Olympics Southern California, Save the Children, and Royal Family Kids’ Camp. They have donated over $100,000 to these efforts altogether and are looking to set up programs to increase their donations every year.  These 4 organizations are very near to MDB’s heart and they perform all that they can to make sure that they keep going.

MDB has realized the fact that there are numerous youngsters who are less blessed then those of their loyal customers and preferred to do something about it. MDB acknowledges that they can play an essential role in giving back to those who are less fortunate.  It’s in giving back that they can help improve the precious lives in our community one child at a time.

I’ve forever been a lover of Davinci Kalani and have used their furniture set in the baby's room for all my youngsters. Each mother that asks me for my suggestions on what should they use for their babies, the first thing that comes out of my mouth is Davinci Kalani.

Like most soon to be mothers, I bought my baby furniture based on quality, safety and visual appeal. At first I didn't recognize I was giving back to the community also. When I commenced to look into MDB a bit more and gathered what they were doing with revenue from sales, my heart felt that much more complete.  I was helping make a difference likewise. Understand that when you make that next purchase for your baby, that you’re not only providing for that young one's life but assisting for the greater good of the community.

Remember to Post Summer Events

Ladies and Brethren please update your summer events in the San Diego Divisional Website.

  • If you would like to begin posting events to the site fill out the optin box to the right or call the number below.
  • If your group does not have a category please do not hesitate to give me a call at 619-462-4290 to create one for you.


Steve Laurvick, Sr. Warden

SW Hackett No. 574

La Jolla Lodge No. 518 Google Calendar of Events

Seeking some assistance….

Greetings Brothers!

My name is Charles Sills.  I am a Master Mason from Heartland Lodge # 576 in El Cajon.  I am making this post because I was wondering if anyone might see it within the length of their cable-tow to have (or have information leading me towards) a position of employment in or around the San Diego County area.  I have been laid-off since Nov. 2008 and am nearing the end of my unemployment benefits.  Which I must admit; is a very stressful time for my family and I (I am married with 2 boys, ages 4 & 10).  If I do not find something suitable soon I'm going to have to look out of state....  ;-(  I do not want to take up too much space but if by chance you think you might be of greater assistance please feel free to post a reply or write me at CBSILLS@YAHOO.COM and I can supply you with my resume.  Thank you!

Fraternally,  Charles Sills, Jr.
