California Prince Hall Division XI Archives

Gustavus A. Thompson #79 Fish Fry June 9


We are having a fish fry on June 9th, I would to see you and some of the brothers. I attached a flyer. Could you put it on your calander and pass it out to some of the other lodges.

For Tickets Please contact Bro. Raymond Gray (619-761-7445), Bro.
Steven Hall (619-981-0064) Bro. Jammal Thomas (619-988-3088) WM Otis
Hankins (310-946-3321)

Take care and God bless.

 Bro. Raymond Gray

Gustavus A. Thompson #79
Be Easy and Travel Light

Remember to Post Summer Events

Ladies and Brethren please update your summer events in the San Diego Divisional Website.

  • If you would like to begin posting events to the site fill out the optin box to the right or call the number below.
  • If your group does not have a category please do not hesitate to give me a call at 619-462-4290 to create one for you.


Steve Laurvick, Sr. Warden

SW Hackett No. 574

Prince Hall Lodges of San Diego County

San Diego County has four Prince Hall Masonic Lodges all in Division 11:

  • Fidelity Masonic Lodge No. 10 of San Diego
  • Gibraltor Lodge No. 58 of San Diego
  • GA Thompson Lodge No. 79 in  Lemon Grove
  • Surfside Lodge No. 112 in Oceanside