Grand Lodge Events Archives

Grand Lodge Annual Communication

Title: Grand Lodge Annual Communication
Location: Grand Lodge San Francisco
Link out: Click here
Description: 162nd Annual Communication Legislation Packet
The 162nd Annual Communication legislation packet is now available online.
The packet is available for download under Reports and Features in the secure Member Center. Each document has been posted separately under the Forms section. If you would like a printed version, please contact Member Services at 415/292-9180.
Start Date: 2011-09-23
End Date: 2011-09-25

Schedule at a Glance

Friday, September 23

Grand Lodge Opening Session
California Masonic Memorial Temple Auditorium 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
This historic session includes Board and Committee reports, Grand Master's message, and legislation. Masons who hold a 2011 dues receipt may attend any Grand Lodge session
Attire: Business suit

Saturday, September 24

Grand Lodge Session
California Masonic Memorial Temple Auditorium 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
(lunch break 12 - 1)
The tradition continues at today's sessions: Grand Oration, completion of legislation, election of Grand Lodge Officers, and approval of the Grand Lodge budget and per capita.
Attire: Business suit

Ladies' Tea
Fairmont Hotel 12:00 p.m.
Linda Bray, wife of the Grand Master, invites the ladies and family members to a distinctive gathering: tea and refreshments at the famed Fairmont Hotel.
Attire: Casual

A Fair to Remember Banquet
San Francisco Marquis Marriott 6:30 p.m. no-host social; 7:30 p.m. dinner
Don't miss Annual Communication's most memorable night. The County Fair theme continues at the All Member Banquet - an evening of socializing and celebrating with the fraternal community.
Attire: Casual

Sunday, September 25

Public Ceremonies
California Masonic Memorial Temple Auditorium 9:30 a.m.
Members, families, youth orders, and friends of the fraternity gather to honor the past year's extraordinary accomplishments by California Masons and welcome the year ahead.
Attire: Business suit for men; short dress or pant suit for ladies.

Installation of Grand Lodge Officers
California Masonic Memorial Temple Auditorium 11:00 a.m.
Be part of the 2011/2012 Grand Lodge Officer Installation, the 163rd in the history of California Masonry. The installation is open to all members, family, and friends. A final reception immediately follows in the Great Hall.
Attire: Business suit for men; short dress or pant suit for ladies.

160th Annual Grand Lodge

Title: 160th Annual Grand Lodge
Location: San Francisco
Description: Grand Lodge 2009
Start Date: 2009-10-02
End Date: 2009-10-04

Junior Warden Retreat Images From Ontario, CA 2009

We Thank Mercedes Alo for Sharing these images from the Saturday Night Formal Dinner Dance hosted by Right Worshipful Bill Bray and His Lady Linda.

Much knowledge was imparted and received by all who attended this event and then there was time for refreshment...

Junior Warden Retreat 2009, California Grand Lodge