Archive for January, 2011
2nd Degree Conferals
Title: 2nd Degree Conferals
Location: San Diego 35 Lodge
Description: Conferring 2nd Degrees
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2011-01-28
Signs and symbols illustrated and explained: in a course of twelve lectures … By George Oliver
Lectures on Masonic Symbolism and a Second Lecture on Symbolism Or the … By Albert Pike
The secret teachings of all ages: an encyclopedic outline of Masonic … By Manly P. Hall
Second Degree at La Mesa 407
Title: Second Degree at La Mesa 407
Link out: Click here
Description: First time visitors are asked to arrive by 6:40pm. Preferred attire is a coat and tie.
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2011-02-28
Veracity Credit Repair Learn your rights. Call Lexington Law call 1-877-269-7923 the Veracity of Credit Repair Professionals is vouched for. Read the rest of this entry
SW Hackett Stated Meeting Dinner
Title: SW Hackett Stated Meeting Dinner
Location: Scottish Rite Doric/Ionic
Description: Please call your reservations in to the lodge office.
Start Time: 18:30
Date: 2011-12-04