Sister Nicole Correri – Striving for Multiculturalism in our Communities UMAA Convention 2011
Saturday, July 13th, 2013 at
4:44 PM
Sister Nicole Correri discusses the importance of multiculturalism in our communities. This was given at the 9th Annual UMAA Convention in Toronto, Canada. T…
how you doing terrorist?)))) i was wondering are you suicide bomber?!!!!!
Multi-culturalism will begin in Saudi Arabia. When there is a church that freely practices and a Synnogogue, and a Hindu and Buddhist temple, then I will believe that Muslims are commited to multi-culturalism. Instead, they seem commited to making others accomodate them through their multi-culturalism. Its hypocrisy in pure form.
Women have no rights in Islam by example of the prophet. Aisha had no right to choose who she’d marry. Muhammad went straight to her father Abu Bakr and asked him, unbeknownst to her. Can a 6 year old make these life commiting decisions? No, they obey thier parents.
@Miky Moon Muslim women are not viewed as animals in Islam. Don’t know where to start explaining with you. Islam was the first religion to give women the rights to ownership and to give women equal importance as men. I would say being treated as an animal is being exploited for your physicality as is the case in most western societies.
don’t bring your dirty Filthy practices in Canada,Enough is enough,Moslems are Terrorist as ghoran Promote Terrorism,may be you wanna say moslems are not terrorist,but most terrorists are moslem,Look at at the level of Womens rights in your Country which they are considered as an animal.
its good to have multiculturalism in Europe, its not to come into a foreign country change the laws to fit your religion and culture, and outbreed the native population which is the current case.