Archive for November, 2013

Freemasons' £4000 donation marks centenary

One of Mansfield's oldest Freemasons lodges is celebrating its centenary by making the single biggest donation in its history - to help needy youngsters. The Broxtowe Lodge, which meets at the Masonic Hall, in Nottingham Road, has handed out many ...

Freemasons are all members of public

As for demanding that police officers declare whether or not they are Freemasons, they are one of the few organisations that have to forfeit the right to strike, will they also have to declare whether or not they are members of the Rotary Club, Round ...

Vintage Freemasonry book Morals & Dogma Ancient & Accepted Rite Southern 1962

$9.99 (0 Bids)
End Date: Saturday Nov-9-2013 20:10:57 PST
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Great Book: Freemasonry in Black and White by Charles M. Harper, Sr.

I not only enjoy writing books about Freemasonry, but I enjoy reading them as well--and I've met this guy! Bro. Charles M. Harper, Sr. is a Mason from right here in Illinois. And he's a very good writer. We go back and forth on ...

Freemason Grand Lodge Private Rendezvous: What should I ask …

Ask them for more information about the Masonic war which was while the Revolution was going on. They stole the books and created a new head quarters in Pennsylvania after that. But it is a interesting story and I have ...

17 Masonic Library Collection Freemasonry, Secrets, Templar, Occult, Stonehenge

End Date: Saturday Nov-30-2013 12:50:26 PST
Buy It Now for only: $199.00
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The only video from the 3rd day as I was rained on all morning while ascending Mount Laguna. I got to the Mount Laguna Resort around 1PM and picked up my fir...