905th California Masonic District Archives

First Degree

Title: First Degree
Location: John D. Spreckels Lodge #657
Link out: Click here
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2010-02-22

Mideastern Brotherhood and Freemasonry

Right Worshipful Brother Leon Zeldis will be giving a lecture in San Diego in November. Born in Chile and living in Israel RWB Zeldis is a man with something to say about brotherhood . This lecture is free and open to the general public.

  • Initiated in “América” Lodge No. 86, Santiago, Chile in 1959
  • Moved to Israel in 1962.
  • Founder of “La Fraternidad Lodge No. 62 in Tel Aviv (first Spanish speaking Lodge in Israel)
  • Working in AASR
  • Held various offices in the Grand Lodge of Israel
  • Became Honorary Assistant Grand Master of the State of Israel in 1995
  • Joined Scottish Rite in 1969. Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33E in 1991
  • Grand Secretary General 1993-1995
  • Sovereign Grand Commander 1996-1998
  • Fellow of The Philalethes Society
  • Contributing member of the Scottish Rite Research Society
  • Has served in various offices in the Royal Arch Grand Chapter of Israel.
  • Scholar and published author.
  • Founder Member, Chair of Philosophical and Masonic Studies “Dr. René Garcia Vanenzuela,” Universidad La República, Santiago, Chile
  • Honorary Consul of Chile in Tel Aviv since 1963
  • Member of MENSA International.

Right Worshipful Leon Zeldis

Right Worshipful Brother Zeldis will talk on Arabs and Jews

in Israeli Freemasonry:


Saturday, November 17, 2007
10:00 AM

For location please inquire below.

Masonic Symbol of Square, Compass & the Letter “G”