Masonic Bodies of San Diego Archives

The Brake-down.3gp

The Al Bahr Shrine Clown Calliope, "brakes-down," on its way to the 2009 Holiday Bowl Parade.

On Location: San Diego Postcard and Paper Collectibles Show

The Galaxy Gang headed out of the studio April 3 2011 for a visit to the San Diego Postcard & Paper Collectibles Show at Al Bahr Shrine Center, 5440 Kearny M...

Unity Lodge #632 at the Adams Ave. Street Fair.

It's happening at the street fair. Shriners are making teddy bears, Rainbow girls making snow cones and the Masons of Unity Lodge along with the Al Bahr Shri...

TOB – The Other Band playing “Wasted Days and Wasted Nights”

TOB - The Other Band playing at the Red Fez Room, Al Bahr Shrine Center, San Diego. May 31, 2013.

Dancing Shriner

Noble John Lake from Al Bahr Shrine Tin Lizzies shakes his money maker while waiting for the parade to start. San diego ca may 2015. Shriners help children.....

Chariot Fire California Dept. of Forestry Update Link

CDF Information Page for Latest Updated News on Chariot Fire

courtesy Dick Bullard

Al Bahr Shrine Camp Fire Photos

"We had a cabin at the Shrine Camp, Mount Laguna but it is gone now. There was a Lodge hall there built in 1923 and a dinning hall. We lost 80 Cabins and 24 Buildings."

Rick Carlson

Slide show of fire damage courtesy of Arnold Kore:

Beware! Mountain Lion Pictures by Shrine Camp (Look in the middle of pics)

Click on image to enlarge and look in the middle of the image


Shrine Camp Members:

Daylight pictures of Mountain Lion taken Nov. 2012 by the Reservoir


Venerable Master Brill Named California Grand Lodge Chaplin

Venerable Master Brill;

Congratulations on your appointment as the New Grand Chaplin for the Grand Lodge of California!!!!

We could not have a better representative from the Valley of San Diego and its Blue Lodges.

Warm Regards,
Brother Day

Honorable Joe has passed

We just received the sad news that Hon. Joe Jackson passed away this afternoon. Details will be forthcoming.

Randy Brill
Randy Brill, Ph.D., KCCH
General Secretary / Venerable Master
Scottish Rite Valley of San Diego
p: (619)293-4888
f: (619)297-2751