Masonic Bodies of San Diego Archives

Mother’s Day Brunch

Title: Mother\'s Day Brunch
Location: Scottish Rite Center
Date: 2010-05-09

Law Enforcement Recognition Awards

Title: Law Enforcement Recognition Awards
Location: Scottish Rite Center
Description: Scottish Rite honors Law Enforcement.
Dinner at 6pm, reservations required, 619-293-4888.

Start Time: 18:00
Date: 2010-07-21

Rainbow Assembly 272-Installation of Officers

Title: Rainbow Assembly 272-Installation of Officers
Location: Lemon Grove Lodge No. 736
Description: Installation of Officers-Ms. Julie Fallon-Worthy Advisor-elect
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2010-01-30

WB Verlyn “Blackie” McMahan – R.I.P.

WB Blackie McMahan

Today is a sad day for Lemon Grove Lodge and it is with a heavy heart to inform each and everyone that our WB Verlyn "Blackie" McMahan has reached the end of his earthly toils due to medical complications at Kaiser Hospital-Zion this morning at 11:40am. He was 85. Masonic Services for Worshipful Blackie is being scheduled at this time.

Mt. Laguna Shrine Club Annual Passing of the Gavel DM

Title: Mt. Laguna Shrine Club Annual Passing of the Gavel DM
Location: Al Bahr Shrine Center
Link out: Click here
Description: The annual Passing of the Gavel meeting and dinner will be at the Al Bahr Shrine Center on Saturday, January 30th, with a No-Host Social at 5:30 PM and Dinner at 6:00 PM

This is a catered event – reservations are required no later than Jan 22nd

All are invited, and the cost will be $20.00 per person. Please make checks payable to MLSC or you may pay at the door.

Casual Dress - Dinner will be a Mexican Buffet

Mt. Laguna Shrine Club’s first meeting of 2010 will be on the Easter Weekend, starting Friday, April 2-4 with all the Easter Activities.

See you there!


President - Carmine Tilghman

PS- Make sure your 2010 dues are paid. Check the mailing label on this newsletter for your current status. It\'s still only $10.00 per year!
Start Time: 17:30
Date: 2010-01-30

Al Bahr Shrine Elections

Title: Al Bahr Shrine Elections
Location: Shrine center
Description: Shrien Election Meeting & Dinner
Date: 2009-12-14

Scottish Rite Fall Reunion

Title: Scottish Rite Fall Reunion
Location: Scottish Rite Center
Description: New member orientation.
Start Time: 16:00
Date: 2010-11-19
End Time: 21:00

Scottish Rite New Line Officers Meeting

Title: Scottish Rite New Line Officers Meeting
Location: Scottish Rite Center
Description: Orientation meeting for all officers in the progressive lines.
Start Time: 18:00
Date: 2010-12-8

Scottish Rite Fall Reunion/Shrine Ceremonial

Title: Scottish Rite Fall Reunion/Shrine Ceremonial
Location: Scottish Rite Center
Description: Conferral of 4th, 14th, 18th, 30th, and 32nd Degrees, Shrine Ceremonial, followed by Banquet.

Start Time: 07:00
Date: 2010-11-20
End Time: 21:00

Scottish Rite Language Center Donors\’ Lunch

Title: Scottish Rite Language Center Donors\' Lunch
Location: Scottish Rite Center
Date: 2009-12-30