Ancient Texts Archives

The Book of the Secrets of Enoch; – Morfill, William Richard, 1834-1909

Believed to be from the Library of Alexandria and originally written roughly at the time Christ by a Hellenistic Jew.

The Book of the Secrets of Enoch

AHIMAN REZON by Laurence Dermott

The Book of Constitutions
of the Ancient Grand Lodge of England

by Laurence DERMOTT
The book is made available on-line by courtesy of
W. Bro. Drew Grant
Treasurer,Almoner & P.M. Howdon Panns 5315 UGLE
Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden, Northumberland
who patiently scanned it.

Go to this link to read it:   AHIMAN REZON


"Ahura Mazda came to my aid.

It was thanks to Darius the Great that we have been able to decipher the cuneiform script, which had fallen into even deeper oblivion than Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Based on Roland G. Kent, Old Persian, 1953

The Achaemenian Kings left extensive cuneiform inscriptions in Old Persian dated roughly between 600 BCE and 300 BCE. They also left ruins which have been described as the most grandiose of the ancient world. While it is by no means certain that they were orthodox Zoroastrians, the majority opinion among scholars is that this is very likely. One of the strongest arguments for this is the frequent mention of Ahura Mazda in the inscriptions, which is almost certainly an innovation of Zarathushtra's. Their religion is also described by Herodotus in sufficient detail to leave little doubt that they were basically Zoroastrian..."

Troano MS.

Le Plongeon's actual translation imaged in Google Books: Troano MS.

The following quotation is from Le Plongeon's translation of the famous Troano MS., which may be seen in the British Museum. The Troano MS. appears to have been written (hieroglyphed) about 3,500 years ago, among the Mayas of Yucatan, and the following is its description of the catastrophe that submerged the island of Poseidonis:--"In the year 6 Kan, on the 11th Muluc in the month Zac, there occurred terrible earthquakes, which continued without interruption until the 13th Chuen. The country of the hills of mud, the land of Mu was sacrificed: being twice upheaved it suddenly disappeared during the night, the basin being continually shaken by volcanic forces. Being confined, these caused the land to sink and to r' se several times and in various places. At last the surface gave way and ten countries were torn asunder and scattered. Unable to stand the force of the convulsions, they sank with their 64,000,000 of inhabitants 8060 years before the writing of this book.",M1


An interpretation of heiroglyphs and oral traditions written by indigenous peoples being converted by Jesuits in Central America and Eastern Mexico.
Popul-Vul, Tedlock Translation

translated by Dennis Tedlock with commentary based on the ancient knowledge of the modern Quiche Maya
- There was no little justice in the fact that it was the missionaries themselves, the burners of the ancient books, who worked out the problems of adapting the alphabet to the sounds of Mayan languages, and while they were at it they charted grammars and compiled dictionaries.

Their official purpose in on-going this linguistic work was to facilitate the writing and publishing of Christian prayers, sermons, and catechisms in the native languages. But very little time passed before some of their native pupils found political and religious applications for alphabetic writing that were quite independent of those of Rome.

These independent writers have left a literary legacy that is both more extensive than the surviving hieroglyphic corpus and more open to understanding. Their most notable works, created as alphabetic substitutes for hieroglyphic books, are the Chilam Balam or "Jaguar Priest" books of Yucatan and the Popol Vuh of Guatemala.